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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
NAF Five Star GastriVet is clinically proven. Formulated to target the stomach, to soothe and preserve lining integrity.
NAF Five Star GastriVet is clinically proven. Formulated to target the stomach, to soothe and preserve lining integrity.
NAF Five Star GastriVet is clinically proven. Formulated to target the stomach, to soothe and preserve lining integrity.

GastriVet Pellets

NAF Five Star GastriVet is clinically proven. Formulated to target the stomach, to soothe and preserve lining integrity. Designed to help retain clear areas in the glandular and non-glandular regions of the stomach, Five Star GastriVet is also fortified with targeted hindgut nutrients to provide and support live cultures.

- Support natural anti-inflammatory processes
- Help balance pH levels and offer acid ease
- Address integrity of stomach wall lining
- Support fibre mat of stomach
- Hindgut nourishment

Five Star GastriVet works to deliver a suitable stomach environment capable of minimising the impact of compromised gastric defence mechanisms. Working to support stomach lining, strength and durability, Five Star GastriVet helps to enhance the vital fibre mat to retain acid in the glandular region and supports the non-glandular surface thanks to its combination of gelling agents. Activating strong biotic nourishment for the hindgut, the live culture again provides recolonisation to underpin the vital equine fibre fermentation process. Five Star GastriVet contains NAF Five Star BioG, a unique synergistic complex that brings together the latest in evidence based nutritional solutions. Combining live probiotic yeast, prebiotics MOS and FOS and new postbiotic metabolites, Five Star BioG supports total gut health right along the gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the challenge, Five Star BioG works in synergy within NAF’s targeted functional supplements to support your horse’s unique microbiome from fore to hindgut, improving total gut health, digestive efficiency and general wellbeing.

Fenugreek seed, Psyllium seed husks (powdered), Dicalcium phosphate, Marshmallow leaves, Lucerne (high temperature dried), Rapeseed oil (refined), Withania, Magnesium oxide, Liquorice roots, Apple (dried), Pectin (from apple), Yeast products*, Calcium carbonate, Brewers' yeast, Sodium chloride, Mint, Sucrose, Carrot (dried), Omicha berries, Chicory inulin (FOS), Rosehip shells, Milk thistle seeds, Dried algae (Chlorella sp), Mushroom (dried, edible), Dandelion leaves, Turmeric, Monoglycerides of fatty acids (oleic acid), Ginger root, Ginkgo leaves, Rosemary, Calcium carbonate, Calcium stearate, Propylene glycol.
*Yeast products – MOS (mannan-oligosaccharides), yeast cell wall & postbiotic yeast metabolites.
Additives (per kg)
Amino acids
L-Glutamine (3c451) 49,600 mg
Trace Elements
Zinc (Zinc sulphate monohydrate, 3b605) 969 mg
Vitamin E (3a700) 370 I.U.
Digestibility Enhancer
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (4b1702, CNCM I-4407) 1.24x1011 cfu
Lecithins (1c322i) 9,380 mg
Bentonite (1m558i) 298,000 mg
Analytical Constituents
Crude protein 14.1%
Crude fat 5.0%
Crude ash 41.8%
Crude fibre 6.8%
Sodium 0.7%
Acid Insoluble Ash 26.3%
Phosphorous 1.59%
Calcium 2.86%
Feed palatable GastriVet Pellets daily to support a healthy fore and hind gut environment. Introduce gradually for fussy feeders. Preferably split between feeds through the day. Loading rates may be omitted if fed following, or alongside, veterinary treatment. Do not exceed recommended rates. One level 90ml scoop holds approx. 67g. A 2kg pot fed at 67g per day will last approximately 30 days.
Horses & Ponies g per day scoops per day
Week 1 268 4
Week 2-3 201 3
Maintenance 67 1

Kerry Sedgwick & Erik

“Erik came to me in June 2022 from a friend whose circumstances had changed. Erik had a lovely summer where we spent time getting to know him then Autumn/Winter came and he was like a horse possessed, bronking off in canter when schooling. When hacking out we would get to one point and he would freeze, if we tried to move him forward he would start bucking and rearing. For safety we stopped hacking but he was also aggressive in the stable and would lash out so we called the vet. After a long chat with the vet about his previous veterinary history relating to his gut and looking at various supplements, NAF GastriVet caught my eye. I discussed it with my vet and she said to try it. Well, it has been amazing, we noticed a massive change in just four days. He even went out competing last summer with scores of +70% at Prelim. Coming into this last winter we upped his GastriVet and he is currently doing fabulously.”


Molly Perkins & Della

"I have fed NAF Five Star GastriVet for about a year now and I have never been so impressed with a supplement. Previously Della has struggled with being girthy and a bit grouchy and that has completely disappeared since being on this supplement. I briefly took her off it this winter and noticed an immediate difference in her demeanour. She was straight back on it!"


Lisa & Meg

“Meg has recently suffered with gastric issues and I was kindly advised by Jo from NAF to feed NAF Five Star GastriVet, it really helped! Within a short space of time, she was much more comfortable whilst being tacked up and also when ridden. I am now feeding NAF Five Star GastriAid for maintenance. One year on, her gastric issues are under control! Unfortunately, Meg then went on to have some tendon issues which resulted in surgery. I have been feeding NAF Five Star Metazone to help and it has resulted in a huge improvement. Alongside NAF Five Star Superflex Senior, there has been a great visible result in her movement and comfort.I highly recommend these products, they have really helped Meg over a difficult year. She is looking and feeling great!”


Evie Faraday & Carnsdale Bombay Blue

"I was recommended NAF Gastrivet after my horse showed several signs of digestive discomfort, he's laid back but an internal worrier and not been straight forward to break. After one tub he was like a different horse! For the first time, he was so relaxed, settled and happy to work and keeps improving!"


Lizzy & Lady

Lady has been reactive between her front legs when groomed as well as girthy for the past couple of months. When I read about the products available to support her gut health, I chose to try GastriVet; she is now into her second tub and the results are really showing. There are no reactions at all anymore from grooming between her front legs and she considerably less girthy. I'm really pleased and will definitely continue with this product.


Rhea Shakespeare & The Traveller

“The Traveller (or Archie as he is known at home) used to suffer with faecal water and loose droppings. After trying several other, our NAF Area Sales Manager, Jen Rollason, suggested Five Star GastriVet. It’s made an amazing difference, he’s a much happier horse and we have no more loose droppings staining his legs. We also love NAF Show Off shampoo, it’s amazing for removing stains and highlighting the colours in Archie’s coat.”


Vincent Seddon & Loughanboy

“Lightweight Hunter Loughanboy, aka Malcolm, had been having intermittent loose droppings and at times a sore tummy. On recommendation, I decided to try NAF GastriVet. I saw a difference in Malcolm within two days; no loose droppings and a much happier tummy, it’s been revolutionary. I would recommend this product to anyone whose horse or pony is suffering from the same.”


Sarah Higgins

I have an 8 year old horse who has been particularly sensitive about the girth and also even in the lightest of leg aids. He would shoot off with his back very tense and high and was clearly very uncomfortable despite having a very well fitting saddle. I put him onto GastriVet and even when he has been fresh or in a competition environment, he has continued to react to my leg in a much better way! For competitions, I have also given him the Instant Biotics pre and post competition which seems to be a winning combination. This has given me the ability to ride him much more confidently and as a result, he has stepped up to Prix St George very easily.


Johnathan Bowman

After getting a horse back from a trial, we noticed that she was showing signs of discomfort when being ridden, which was unusual for her. After speaking to NAF, we decided to feed her GastriVet, and wow, within four days she was back to her normal self. I’ve never seen a supplement work so quickly, with such obvious results.


Jo Howse & Mylee

After what was a serious colic incident, Mylee developed hind gut imbalance. Her droppings really smelt, and on examination my vet suggested that I add a supplement containing comprehensive gut support. We put her on NAF GastriVet and within three days the smell had left her droppings and she started to pick up, becoming her old self again.



"One of my horses stresses internally and on the advice of my trainer Bobby Hayler, I put him on GastriVet pellets and I am currently also trialling Magic for competition and heavy training days. I'm very pleased with his progress and his scores are up by around 4%."


Sam Pugh & Tommy

"I started noticing some behavioural issues with Tommy such as stress and tension and after explaining these to my local NAF representative Emily, I was recommended GastriVet. Since being on this amazing product, I have noticed a huge difference in Tommy's demeanour and attitude. He's so much happier in the stable and is much better when travelling now. He is also much calmer and relaxed in his work which has made a big difference in his jumping. I can't believe the difference GastriVet has made to my Tommy and would highly recommend it."


Dr Philip Dale & Happy as Larrie

"I have owned Larrie since he was 4 years old, and he has always been a sensitive horse with a temperament to match! I noticed him starting to dunk his haylage and feed into his water, as well as being uncomfortable whilst doing up his girth. After speaking to NAF, I tried him on GastriVet Pellets and within a week, the symptoms disappeared, the dunking ceased and he has become much for manageable to handle and ride. I would highly recommend this product!"


Amber Fletcher & Smokey

"The NAF GastriVet has been a lifesaver for Smokey! Turning him from being unrideable to winning at hickstead in just three weeks. It has done an amazing job and is very palatable for a fussy thoroughbred. The Show Off shampoo is also a godsend for keeping him looking gleaming."


Rachel Widdows & Arnie

Arnie 16.1hh Anglo Arab 21 yrs old. He is exercised regularly, hacking and flat work training. He has been getting very grumpy about having rug straps and girths done up for quite some time. This winter he was even worse, his groom and I have been dodging his front teeth. On top of this he lost some condition as well. I had been putting it down to the upset of moving yards and his advancing age. However having read that both weight loss and this sort of behaviour can be attributed to ulcers I decided to give the GastriVet a try. Within just a few weeks Arnie seemed like a different horse. Both my groom and I noticed an enormous improvement in his attitude. 5 weeks later he has continued to improve and has gained significant condition, before the spring grass has come through. I am absolutely delighted with the improvement. Arnie means the world to me, all I want is for him to be happy and well. Thank goodness the Gastrivet seems to be doing the trick.


Alfie Bradshaw

"Alfie was showing signs of digestive upset, and the vet confirmed our thoughts by scope in November. He was treated initially with veterinary medication but another scope four weeks later showed the situation hadn't improved. It was proving too expensive to carry on long term so a couple of weeks later we started feeding GastriVet. Four weeks after starting GastriVet and his behaviour has changed dramatically - he is much happier in his stable, being tacked up and is working really well. He will be travelling to Holland at the end of this month and will definitely stay on GastriVet for the move" Emily Bradshaw


Zarla Blue

A big thank you to NAF for keeping Pauldary’s Zarla Blue fighting fit! Back in 2014 Zarla was diagnosed with Gastric issues, following veterinary treatment and advice I chose GastriVet and the results have spoken for themselves. Zarla showed so much improvement quickly once GastriVet was added to her daily feed regime, she is a much happier horse and has gone from strength to strength in training and competition. With such impressive results I have since started feeding Superflex to keep her joints in tip top condition and MPower to support her muscle development. Zarla and I recently won the Scottish Regional Medium R Music Freestyle championship and received a wildcard for the Albion Medium Restricted Winter Championship at the NAF Five Star Winter Championships. A very big thank you to NAF and Area Sales Manager Mary Wastie for your support! Katie James. Photo Courtesy of Equiscot Photography.



Tigga ridden by Tintin Belsham and owned by Suzie Belsham. Tigga was displaying the types of behaviour associated with gastric issues, and while veterinary medication was an option, Suzie wanted to try an alternative so she started feeding GastriVet. Says Suzie, “After one month of feeding the supplement, Tigga was a lot happier in herself and was also much more settled in her stable.”



Sam, ridden by Faye Stephenson, a 17.2hh 6 year old eventer and hunter. Before: After Sam started producing inconsistent results, Faye decided to investigate what may be causing the issues. It was soon discovered that Sam had Gastric concerns. Following veterinary treatment, Faye decided to try GastriVet. After: Says Faye, “Since using GastriVet, Sam is looking and feeling amazing. Normally he would come back from eventing and hunting quite tucked up and would be off his feed and water for a while, however, he now comes back a different horse – looking as well as when he left the yard as well as tucking into his feed, haylage and water.



Hugo, a 16.3h British Sport Horse owned by Charlotte Sherriff. Two weeks ago, Hugo started refusing to go forwards when ridden and then became very upset when under the saddle. He also went off his feed and generally seemed uncomfortable within himself. Says Charlotte “So I stopped riding him, turned him out in the field with ad-lib hay and started GastriVet 7 days ago. Now, after the recommended daily amount for the first week, Hugo is a different horse! He’s very happy and comfortable and I can now put his saddle on without any problems! He is much more relaxed and happy int he stable too. I rode him yesterday for the first time in 13 days and wow, what a difference! He felt amazing, the best he’s ever gone – no naughty behaviour at all! He loved his work and I could tell he was thoroughly enjoying his schooling yesterday! Thank you NAF and GastriVet, an amazing product – I’ve just bought my second tub for Hugo and will be recommending this to everybody! Thank you!”



Harry, a 15 year old ex 2* Eventer owned by Charlotte West. When Harry arrived at Charlotte’s yard he was nervous, constantly alert and on the look out. Consequently, he couldn’t hold any condition, plus he seemed to be showing signs of discomfort. Charlotte suspected some digestive issues and started to feed GastriVet. Says Charlotte ‘We are very pleased with the improvements we have seen since feeding the GastriVet, Harry seems so much more comfortable. I also highly recommend Magic which we feed to Harry.” Self confessed NAF fan, Charlotte, adds “Charles has EnerG Shot and Mud Gard. I also love the NAF Off Citronella Tags. We go through tons of Minty treats and have lots of Pink Wraps in our first aid kit!”



Dexter ‘Odakotah Dex’ has always had an anxious disposition which, when I first rescued him, lead to frequent episodes of digestive discomfort along with a very bad temper. After discussions with our vet and searching for a supplement for what seemed a lifetime, we have found something that actually works! GastriVet is fab, his digestion has improved, and he is so easy and pleasant to be around now. We can finally re-start ridden work now he’s feeling comfortable. Thank you so much NAF. Jodie Stevenson



Bodie (Bodieve Top Flight), an 18hh ID x TB owned by Chloe Durrant. When GastriVet was launched, Chloe decided to try a tub as Bodie’s digestive system could be tricky to keep balanced. Says Chloe “GastriVet worked within just two days, and I’ve kept him on a maintenance dose to keep him regular. He’s much happier, less grumpy and easier to ride! You’re saving me a fortune in not having to rebuild Bodie’s stable every time he gets cranky! I am thrilled with all of your products.”



Bayberry King (Berry) an ex-racehorse owned by Colin and Michelle King. Berry would go through stages where his digestive system would become unbalanced so Colin and Michelle decided he needed some help. Michelle phoned many companies to see what products were available and, after calling the NAF Freephone line, they decided to try GastriVet. After Says Michelle, “Within 3 days we were able to ride him without any of the usual signs appearing after exercise. His appetite has returned and he is back eating us out of house and home. He has been on GastriVet for just 3 weeks and is back to his happy self. He is full of energy and we plan to put him onto the GastriAid once he has finished his course of GastriVet. GastriVet has provided Berry with relief that we can afford, and we are looking forward to having him healthy for many years to come.”


Laminaze Pellets Metazone Powder Metazone Liquid
Metazone Syringe GastriVet Pellets Immuforte