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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Super shiny quick drying hoof polish for hooves
Super shiny quick drying hoof polish for hooves
Super shiny quick drying hoof polish for hooves

Paint it Clear

Put your best hoof forward with this super shiny, quick drying paint-on hoof polish. For elegant hooves every time. Prepare to be ADMIRED

Apply to clean dry hooves with the easy to use brush applicator painting from the coronet band down to the wall of the hoof for a superior shine which stays put

Norway Dance

Charlotte Richardson & Danny aka Norway Dance “My favourite NAF products are the Lavender Wash, Paint It Clear and the Shine On Grooming Spray they really do work a treat and at a brilliant price too, I use them all the time at shows and at home! He is a picture of me and Danny (Norway dance) competing in Wales in the Home Pony International qualifying for scope too!”



Paint It Clear - This stuff is so cool! It makes Apple's hoofs look incredible and it lasts even after riding! It makes me and Apple feel super glam when riding. Thanks Harry!


“I love the NAF products and have always used NAF products but our love for them have just grown!!! Well yesterday after using your products (Brighter than White, Razzle Dazzle Them, Make your Mark, Paint it Clear, Oil it Well) me and my pony came Supreme of Show!” Alice Frodsham


Bobbi and Brody

I work for Wynnstay in the Skipton branch and show horses in my spare time. I just wanted to let you know how fabulous the NAF range of cleaning/ grooming products are. My sister and I have 2 grey horses and we would be lost without your fantastic products. We have an Irish Draught Maxi Cob Mare called Newshams Mooncoin ( Bobbi) and a Irish Sports horse who is a Novice Heavyweight Hunter called Mount Rushmore ( Brody). Last September Bobbi was graded by the Irish Draught Society and was graded class 1 she received the highest conformation mare of all the mares graded and the 3 inspectors also commented on her presentation. In 2015 Bobbi had a very successful year and was featured in the Irish Draught Year book with a full page article, she also had a number of other photographs in the year book due to her successes at the Northern, Midlands and South West Irish Draught shows. 2016 has also started out very successful with Bobbi has so far winning 2 supreme of show championships, 6 champions and 3 reserve champions. A number of people ask how we get her so clean and her tail and legs so white! The key to her looking so sparkling clean is we use NAF Pimp my Pony on her body, and for her tail and legs we wash them with NAF Show OFF shampoo. The morning of the show we use NAF Muck OFF on any dirty bits and always put this in her tail even if it is clean as this makes the tail very white! We also regularly use the NAF Shine ON Grooming spray to keep their coats in fab condition. Brody is in his first season showing as Christina badly broke her ankle last year and therefore he was not broken until the end of 2015. Brody’s nickname at home is Mud Monster and he loves to be dirty – this is not helpful when he is 17.2hds and grey! I have attached a photo that shows a usual dirty photo of him. Brody has so far been to 2 shows and won at both these shows and also won a championship and reserve championship. At these shows a number of people asked how we get him so clean! Again we use NAF Show OFF shampoo, NAF Muck Off (on a daily basis) and NAF Shine on Grooming Spray. I have found that the grooming spray really helps to keep his coat clean. Over the years we have used all brands of cleaning and grooming products but NAF is by far the best! We would be lost without your products, they also smell fantastic, we also get a lot of comments at show on how clean and well the horses look. Christina and I are complete amateurs we buy our horses in Ireland as unbroken and usually a little wild 3 years old and break and produce them ourselves. Christina works as an Environmental Consultant specialising in flood risk and resilience so this years has been exceptionally busy for her but we always make time for our horses as they are our passion and it’s great to see they are looking their best and so glad NAF make such good products to help our horses look there best. I have attached photographs so you can see how great Bobbi and Brody look thanks to NAF. Nicola


Lavender Wash Teatree and Mint Shampoo Plait it Up
Paint it Clear Paint it Black Warming Wash
Muck Off Shine On Cooling Wash
Brighter Than White Its so Silky Serum Show Off
Pimp My Pony Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler Crib Stop
No Bite Sheath Cleanse Stable Hands
NAF Off Deet Power Performance NAF Off Deet Power Performance Gel NAF Off Extra Effect
NAF Off Extra Effect Gel NAF Off Citronella NAF Off Citronella Gel
NAF Off Citronella Wash NAF Off Citronella Tag NAF Off Citronella Wristband