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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Lena Gould

Lena Gould BSc(Hons)

Brand Manager Natural VetCare

Animals, particularly dogs and horses have been my passion from when I was a toddler. It was always clear to me that I needed a career that enables me to play a part in improving their health and wellbeing, while being surrounded by like-minded people.

The very best thing about my job is the sense of pride I get when our customers tell us how our products have changed and often extended their pets’ and horses’ lives. Often, the results are so profound we get asked by the owners whether they can take the products themselves, which, of course we do not recommend.

I live in Monmouth with my husband on a smallholding with our two horses, two dogs, chickens, ducks and pet sheep. Unsurprisingly, I spend most of my free time with my animals and love nothing more than being out and about with the dogs and horses in our beautiful countryside.

My Favourite NAF Product

is the Dog’Skin supplement as it has worked miracles on my dog’s skin issues and recurrent ear problems without the need for further veterinary intervention which was a huge relief! For more information on Natural VetCare Dog’Skin

Lena Gould Lena Gould