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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Jonathan Canty

Jonathan Canty

BD List 4 Judge, BHSII SM, Stage 4 Senior Coach

Senior Area Sales Manager

I have always had horses in my life and was introduced to them by my grandfather who farmed in East Yorkshire who purchased a Welsh Section A pony from the local market. I’ve worked in a variety of Equine disciplines from Racing, Hunting, Eventing and at a local riding school I took an interest in Coaching leading me to BHS coaching qualifications and becoming an Equine lecturer.

It was while running my own Eventing yard that I took an opportunity to work in sales and is where I still find myself today. Equine Welfare has been always at the forefront of every part of my career and that’s why working for NAF and its values of ‘for the good of the horse’, is a perfect fit.

My Favourite NAF Product

is – Five Star Oestress. Mares have always been my first choice and I have owned many over the years, The support this product offers has helped so many of them that I wouldn’t still own and compete a mare today without it.

For more information on Five Star Oestress

Jonathan Canty Jonathan Canty