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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Jodie Powell

Jodie Powell

Sales Administrator

I have mainly worked with horses, riding school, polo, racing and hunting but I also worked for Countrywide so NAF products were familiar to me.  I have also had my own horse on NAF products over the years and always quite liked the idea of working for NAF and now here I am!

I own a 16hh ISH mare called Gracie, we do a bit of everything and mainly compete for our local riding club. We like going eventing too and enjoy dressage to music.

If I’m not at work, mucking out, riding or competing, I enjoy taking my crazy Patterdale Rocco for walks, who is also a firm favourite in the office.

The best part of my job is building a relationship with our customers and ensuring they get the right products for their horses' needs.

My Favourite NAF Product

Five Star Superflex Original – I’ve used Superflex for years on various different horses. Gracie is on Superflex and I know her  joints are being fully supported all year round.


Sally Barter Sally Barter