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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Jen Rollason

Jen Rollason

Area Sales Manager, Mid Wales and West Midlands

I have always been passionate about animals and in particular horses. I have owned horses since a child and have always enjoyed ownership, riding and driving. Following studies in Equestrian science at university, I have worked within the industry for a number of years. I also volunteer my time to a local riding club as it’s important for me that all horse owners have the opportunities that I had growing up.

I love working at NAF as I see that same passion and love for both animals and riders within my colleagues, customers and the company itself. The best part of my job is advising a product that makes a real difference to the horse’s welfare and wellbeing. Any spare time is spent with my horses, dogs and family.

My Favourite NAF Product

is GastriAid. It’s been a life changing product for my mare, Grace. She had always been labelled as a typical chestnut mare, but following a conversation with Kate Hore, head nutritionist at NAF, we tried GastriAid. She’s now a much happier, much more comfortable mare. For more information on NAF GastriAid

Jen Rollason Jen Rollason