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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Emily Reed

Emily Reed BA(Hons)

UK Sales Administrator

I have been riding since I was 5 years old and have always had a passion for horses. After completing my degree in Events Management at Cardiff Metropolitan University I joined the NAF Sales Administration team which was perfect. My job allows me to apply the skills learned from my degree and my knowledge and passion for horses - a dream come true!

This is Jake, my 7 year old blue roan gelding who loves to play games and learn new tricks, the key to a good bow is a handful NAF Blueberry and Banana Treats! We dabble in a bit of dressage occasionally but mainly enjoy hacking in the beautiful Welsh countryside – we are lucky to have amazing hacking on our doorstep!

When I am not in work you will find me mucking in on the farm or teaching. In my spare time you will find me at my desk painting anything from cows to Land Rovers! I love heading to shows with NAF and being able to meet all of our amazing riders and their horses. Back at the office I enjoy chatting to our customers and ensuring they have the right products to make sure their horses are feeling on form and five star!

My Favourite NAF Product

is- Optimum! I use it religiously to keep Jake feeling tip top and super shiny! For more information on Five Star Optimum

Emily Reed Emily Reed