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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
The must have daily supplement for total gut health.
The must have daily supplement for total gut health.
The must have daily supplement for total gut health.


NAF Five Star GastriAid is the must have daily supplement for total gut health. Targeting digestion from the point of ingestion, Five Star GastriAid promotes correct function and gut integrity from foregut to hindgut, giving your horse a happy, healthy tummy.

- Saliva support
- Helps balance pH levels and offers acid ease
- Muscosal integrity
- Promote nutrient uptake
- Active live culture

Five Star GastriAid commences its journey with saliva support, before releasing natural buffers to balance pH. Promoting the health of the small intestine itself has a direct benefit to nutrient uptake, supporting wall strength and elasticity. Activating strong biotic nourishment for the hindgut, live cultures provide recolonisation to underpin the vital equine fibre fermentation process. Five Star GastriAid contains NAF Five Star BioG, a unique synergistic complex that brings together the latest in evidence based nutritional solutions. Combining live probiotic yeast, prebiotics MOS and FOS and new postbiotic metabolites, Five Star BioG supports total gut health right along the gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the challenge, Five Star BioG works in synergy within NAF’s targeted functional supplements to support your horse’s unique microbiome from fore to hindgut, improving total gut health, digestive efficiency and general wellbeing. Feed Five Star GastriAid for total gut health.

Psyllium seed husks (powdered), Sodium bicarbonate, Calcium carbonate, Lucerne (high temperature dried), Rapeseed oil (refined), Brewers' yeast, Yeast products*, Fructo-oligosaccharides, Chicory inulin (FOS), Sodium chloride, Calcium stearate.
*Yeast products, sources of MOS (mannan-oligosaccharides) and postbiotic yeast metabolites.
Additives (per kg)
Amino acids
L-Glutamine (3c451) 5,020 mg
Digestibility Enhancer
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (4b170, CNCM I-4407) 1.4 x 1011 cfu
Bentonite (1m558i) 498,000 mg
Fumaric acid (1a297) 30 mg
Analytical Constituents
Crude protein 5.8%
Crude fat 2.7%
Crude ash 58.7%
Crude fibre 8.1%
Sodium 3.4%
Acid Insoluble Ash 34.2%
Phosphorous 0.13%
Calcium 3.98%
Feed GastriAid daily to soothe and maintain a healthy digestive system. Introduce gradually for fussy feeders. Maintenance levels may be adjusted to suit the individual and are not necessarily related to the bodyweight. One level 25ml scoop provides approx. 20g. A 1.8kg pot fed at 60g per day will last approximately 30 days.
Horses g per day scoops per day
Loading rate (3-10 days) 120 6
Standard Maintenance 60 3
Loading rate (3-10 days) 80 4
Standard Maintenance 40 2

Dawn Purchase & Vulcanus

Since feeding GastriAid my horse has improved so much, usually every spring he would have to be under veterinary advised care to coincide with the spring grass and increased sugar content. I started feeding GastriAid at the start of the year and for the first time ever I haven’t had to call the vet out.


Georgie Goss & Halltown Harvey

"NAF Five Star GastriAid is a very important part of my horses feed and is the must have daily supplement for total gut health. GastriAid is so important for promoting correct function throughout my horses digestive systems and it keeps them in tip top condition inside and out.”


Evie Ainger & Young Tom

"I have been using GastriAid for just under a year and Tom has never been happier. He is an ex racehorse who can be sensitive at times but the GastriAid has improved his attitude towards work greatly. Happy tummy happy Tom."


Louise & Liaison with the devil

"My mare has always been girthy. Had her scoped and no obvious issues, but she does produce an huge amount of stomach acid due to previously being starved before I got her. Decided to give GastriAid a try and no longer have a girthy horse. Thank you NAF!"


Olivia Hughes & Grogan

"My boy Grogan has always been very sensitive, stressy and a take it as you go kind of horse.. since being on GastriAid I've never known anything like it! He's a completely different pony- I refer to it as his "happy" supplement."


Milly Ingles & Bertie

"Bertie has been on NAF GastriAid for about 12 months now and the transformation after talking to one of NAF Area Sales Managers has been phenomenal. He is easier to ride and his general condition is so much better. He also loves his work now. Thank you!"


Natalie Wood & Holme Park Verena

"I've been using GastriAid for a year now and I've been impressed with the results. I got the product when having issues with my mare getting digestive issues through the stress of travelling and competing, I find that this helps keep the acid levels in-check and enables better nutrient absorption."


Gabriella & Strong Beau

"I have been using NAF GastriAid for about a year and can honestly say I can't believe the difference in his behaviour- more level headed, happier in him self and happy to do his job. I am a Grade 1Para dressage rider and won the gold para nationals at Stoneleigh."


Katie and Emily Banfield & Georgie

"We put our new event horse Georgie on GastriAid as her coat wasn’t great and she didn’t seem to be thriving with her condition; we have been so impressed with the results. Her coat is now shiny and she is now holding the perfect condition. We mix it in her feeds twice a day and we will continue with her on the maintenance dose as it is working so well. Highly recommended."


Natalie & Brandy

“I was recommended NAF Five Star GastriAid by Jo Howse for my retired 25 year old gelding Brandy who suffers quite badly from free faecal water. I had tried so many products to try and help him and was at a loss with what to do. He was getting grumpy, bloated and often had wet and sore back legs. He’s been on GastriAid for about a year now and since adding it to his feeds, he’s become so much happier within himself. His coat is back shining, he’s cantering around the field with his friend and is finally for the first time in a long time with mostly normal firm poos. Thank you so much to Jo for all your help and advice with Brandy!”


Marie Kent & Libby

We have been using both NAF GastriAid and in the Pink Powder since my son Morgan’s mare Libby arrived around a year ago and wow, what a difference it has made to her coat and settling her tummy. After starting GastriAid, we noticed that Libby was a lot less sensitive to girth up and groom and she was generally much more settled in the stable. The in the Pink Powder has also really helped Libby's general well-being and her coat and condition just look amazing. The proof is in the before and after pictures of Libby.


Kate Byles & Morph

Since being fed NAF GastriAid and Five Star Optimum Balancer, I have found Morph to be less stressed when he is being ridden and he is now the favourite escort for the younger horses when we’re hacking. Feeding him Optimum allows me to know that he is receving all of the correct nutrients he needs to be healthy. Five Star Respirator Boost is also an essential for Morph during the winter months.


Susie & Rocco

“I am so impressed with the results that I have had with GastriAid. I put my 10 year old novice eventer on it two months ago as he was just showing a few signs of being uncomfortable when saddling him. He has regular saddle checks and physio so after doing some research, I thought I would try your product and the results are amazing. He is so much happier, has a real shine to his coat and is back to his cheeky personality! Thank you so much NAF for another amazing product.”


Chloe Jones & Rosie

"This is me showjumping my little mare Rosie. She is fed on Oestress & GastriAid and is looking and feeling amazing. Thank you NAF!"


Claudia Sheridan & Timmy

"GastriAid gets Timmy’s seal of approval! Since starting this supplement I have definitely noticed that he seems a lot happier in himself. His performance has been mega so far this season and his condition is improving each week. Thank you NAF and Eland Lodge for recommending this product for Timmy, it is definitely one I’ll be keeping in my feed room!"


Carla Darlby & Fern

"I feed GastriAid to my mare Fern, since adding it to her feed, she hasn't been half as stressy, is in great condition and eats so much better!! Thank goodness we found GastriAid!"


Jo Howse & Miss Mulligan

"I’ve been using the Mud Off once a week on our traditional mare, Miss Mulligan and as you can see it’s keeping her feathers clean and silky. Just need to spray her knees next time too."


Maisie Slight & Melody

"I feed Melody GastriAid to help protect her stomach when jumping, but also to help keep her condition and appetite when at away shows."


Anna Ingvaldson with Morgan & Danny

"I love NAF products. At the moment I am using your Cooling Wash, Warming Wash, Electro Salts, GastriAid, Tack Cleaner and Hoof Moist! NAF Cleanse and Condition and Soft Soap is keeping my tack looking it’s very best!"


Jemma Lauren Fisher & Sizzler

"GGastriAid has made my horse maintain comfort and we haven’t seen any reoccurrence of the gastric discomfort he had previously had. Magic has focused my horse and he seems a lot calmer not kicking out at other horses or rearing under saddle, fantastic product!"


Gabriella Blake & Strong Beau

“I have been using NAF GastriAid for about a year and can honestly say I can't believe the difference in his behaviour - more level headed, happier in himself and happy to do his job. I am a Grade 1 para dressage rider and won the gold para nationals at Stoneleigh.”


Caitlin Stabler & Riverdale Flash

"It's an absolute must that NAF Brighter Than White is in my grooming bag! It's perfect for achieving a gleaming white coat as well as covering those last minute stable stains! I would be lost without NAF Plait It Up. It's a life saver for those early show mornings, keeping my plaits looking and staying fabulous! NAF GastriAid is a must for my mare! It ensures her gut is lined and PH balanced to help her get on with her job happily! I wouldn’t feed anything else!"


Maria Guselli & Bailey

"My favourite product is the GastriAid. Bailey was having days where he was sensitive but since he's been having the GastriAid we haven't had a bad day since and he is so much happier both on the ground and under saddle. We couldn't live without it now!"


Amanda Millard & Joey

"Earlier this year my horse Joey became a nightmare to ride as he was so spooky out hacking trying to bolt at the littlest thing, grumpy to handle & things deteriorated to the point that I lost my confidence. I stopped feeding him to see whether it was his diet which in turn delayed the development of his summer coat. Things hit rock bottom when I went to a show & came last in every class as the judge said he looked awful as he had a patchy dull coat.

I then contacted Kate who advised me to try Five Star Optimum so Joey could get the nutrients needed to grow his summer coat. We started the Optimum at the end of May. However Joey still wasn’t right & dropped condition. Kate came out & condition scored Joey & whilst doing this noticed that Joey wasn’t keen on being touched around the girth area. I was recommend GastriAid to try & see whether Joey’s problems were stomach related as Kate was aware of the other issues that I had been having when riding. 2 days after the loading dose commenced I was riding Joey out hacking on the buckle which has never happened. The 3rd day he stood for 15 minutes out hacking whilst I had a chat to friends who asked me what I had done to Joey as he never stands still out hacking.

The change in Joey at shows has been amazing - he now stands still in the ring & isn’t spinning round getting worried about other horses. I have now got my confidence back & have even tried ridden showing which 4 months ago I would have been frightened to do for fear of Joey spooking & bolting with me in the ring as the slightest thing out hacking wound him up to the point where I would get off & walk home.

This weekend we were at a stay away show & upon Kate’s advice we gave Joey the loading dose of GastriAid 2 days before travel & whilst we were there. Joey was so chilled in the ring for both Ridden & in Hand Showing & the judge who presented us with the In Hand Best Turned Out Championship trophy remarked on how still Joey stood in the ring compared to the other horses. The fact that we won the Championship against other stunning Palamino horses is testimount to how well he now looks.

I attach 2 photos taken this weekend.

Thank you Team Naf for giving me my horse back & my confidence."


Katherine Bolton & Carrowgar Cool

"We bought Carrowgar Cool Katie 3 years ago as a 5 year old. She took a long time to bond; she had a very strong flight instinct and would turn and run at most opportunities - motorbikes, lorries, runners, some dogs... so we tried her with 5*magic which had a small calming influence over her, but after attending a lecture about gastric ulcers- we decided to try her on Gastri-Aid- having heard that about 90% of horses suffer from ulcers- being such a stressy mare we thought it highly likely that she had them. She has now been taking Gastri-Aid for 2 1/2 years and we have seen a great improvement in her levels of anxiety and calmness, (as well as her irritability at girthing up). This has enabled the bond to develop between horse and teenager, to a fantastic level of mutual trust- the stuff of fairytales."


Hannah & Sienna

I have two favourite supplements I use and that is the GastriAid and Oestress. I have a 6yo ex race horse who I have had as a 4yo and have retrained her myself from straight off the track. She was unsettled and very difficult to ride when I first got her and now that she is on GastriAid it has really focused her. All of my horses are now on GastriAid and their condition and focus and enjoyment of life has improved dramatically. I would recommend GastriAid to everyone! Pictured is Sienna my 6yo ex racer.


Emma Hopkins and Aslan

This is the lovely Aslan. He is 22 and I know I'm bias, but I think he's look mighty fine! This photo is from last summer at the national horse trials. Aslan is a fan of NAF products, he's won 5 rugs and lots of vouchers over the years at the riding club champs. He's a fussy eater and can smell a supplement at 50 paces, however he has no problem with the GastriAid. He looks really well on it, though his condition does pick up as we come into the summer. Aslan had severe colitis in 2015. It was a very difficult time, receiving calls from the vet telling us he's going! But with his lion heart he pulled through. I always keep him on a gut supplement now just to try and ensure I do everything I can to stop it happening again. The Silky mane and tail spray works really well, I used half a dozen squirts in his tail and it brushes out easily. I only have to use the spray every third day as it lasts really well. It has a lovely smell too.


Katie Blewitt

Katie Blewitt "My favourite NAF product is GastriAid as it has helped with my horse's behaviour and attitude to work."



"I started Stu on your GastriAid a couple months ago and have noticed a big difference in his appetite and therefore condition. I'm really pleased as he was never that interested in his hay and now he never stops eating it since being on GastriAid, and he's just looking so much better!"


Keren and Silver

Since feeding GastriAid there has been a difference in Silver's attitude - one very happy horse!!! Keren & Silver


Farmhill Covers Guy

Karen Paffey & Farmhill Covers Guy "Thank you for recommending GastriAid, it has been invaluable. Here we are coming 7th in the Prelim class at our first regional competition."


GastriAid GastriVet Pellets