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Tack Care


When the days are dark, cold and wet it's easy to think the tack cleaning can wait for another day, but neglecting tack care simply isn't worth the risk. Your tack is an expensive investment, and one that is crucial to your and your horse's safety. Taking time to take care of tack, ensures your tack will take care of you.

Every Ride

After every ride, take just a minute or two to take care of tack. Using clean water, wash off any obvious mud or sweat, and, for bitted bridles, rinse the bit clean too. It is worth keeping an everyday cleansing product, such as NAF Quick Clean, handy, together with a damp sponge or cloth, to help you swiftly lift grease and dirt, leaving tack 'ride ready' for next time.

Don't forget your saddle cloth or numnah, which should always be clean. It is worth having two or three in regular use, so you can have one on the saddle while the others are in the wash.

Regular Deep Clean

At least once a month, take the time to give your tack a deep clean, which ensures your tack stays in good condition for years to come.

After initially removing surface mud and grime, choose a conditioning cleanser, such as NAF Sheer Luxe Leather Cleanse, to not only lift grease easily but also condition working tack. Go over all your tack in detail, taking the bridle fully apart and checking all parts of the saddle. Make sure you do take the time to check stitching and leather condition for any signs of wear. Stirrup leathers should be removed, cleaned while off the saddle, and checked for even wear; while the stirrups themselves can be cleaned with a stiff brush and clean water. Don't forget to check the bit for wear, and to ensure no sharp edges have formed.

We advise finishing your deep clean with an application of an intensive conditioner, such as NAF Leather Balsam, to penetrate and nourish tack, leaving leather soft and supple.

Synthetic Tack Care

Many of us now also use synthetic tack, whether it is all your tack, or maybe just the girth. It is just as important to care for your synthetic tack, as for leather, and using a specific product, such as NAF Synthetic Tack Clean ensures it is the right choice to care for that tack.

Finally – Don't forget cleaning applies to all bits of your tack and equipment, not just the saddle and bridle. Make sure you regularly check and clean boots, headcollars, schooling and lunging equipment too!