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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Deluxe conditioning spray for tangle free manes and tails
Deluxe conditioning spray for tangle free manes and tails
Deluxe conditioning spray for tangle free manes and tails

Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler

Care for your horse's mane and tail with our deluxe conditioning spray for a smooth, shiny tangle-free finish. Leaves a non greasy, non sticky natural shine that will not attract dust and allows mud to be easily brushed from hair.


Rachel Mee & Sam

I use the NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler regularly to help keep Sam's mane in great condition and knot free and it allows me to plait up with ease. It's my favourite NAF product because it smells good and works so well. It makes grooming Sam so much easier and I know it's a brand I can trust. At 17.3hh there is a lot of horse to groom so products like this make a massive difference.


Harriet Hill & Penny

My favourite NAF product is the Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler Spray. I love the spray to make Penny’s mane and tail silkier and tangle free. Using the mane and tail spray makes her show ready in minutes.


Evie Hall-Addison & Oska

“We love using NAF Skin Wash after clipping and to keep their coats looking great from any grease and dirty. We also love Silky Mane and Tail D-Tangler in our daily grooming routine to keep the manes and tails looking fabulous!”


Leah Brant & Zorro

“We love the NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler. We use it on a regular basis before riding, on pamper days, before shows and outings. I really wouldn’t use anything else! The gorgeous scent really leaves Zorro’s mane and tail smelling divine and feeling so silky and smooth.”


Harriet & Ellie Hull & Pepper

We recently tried NAF’s Brighter Than White, Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler and Show Off to get our grey pony sparkling for a pony club competition. They worked a treat and our team won the tack and turnout!


Jess & Blakeswater Sanchez

"I use alot of NAF Products. My favourites are the Silky Mane & Tail Detangler and Plait It Up Spray. Plait It Up helps my plaits stay neat and tidy and create show stopping plaits every-time. Silky helps my horse's mane and tail stay knot-free as-well as being soft and shiny.”


Christy & Griseburn Orla

"Orla's silky mane is maintained with Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler. As you can probably see, Orla has a huge amount of mane & I have only ever used Silky on her."


Christy Seaman & Griseburn Orla

"Her mane is stunning. We spray it a few times a week with Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler; it smells amazing!"


Christy & Taboo

"The only detangler I use is NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler. It smells amazing and stops Taboo's mane drying out!"


Kirsty Imm

"One of my favourite products is NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler, it is a key product in our show preparation. This conditioning spray, in my opinion, is the best on the market. The horses' tails stay silky and full for days after use and as with all NAF products, it’s great to know that they are developed within FEI Clean Sport guidelines."


Liana Michelle Mason

"I use a number of NAF products, from supplements to grooming products, but I always make sure that I have NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler and NAF Off Deet Power Performance in my grooming kit. I also love NAF's Garlic Granules and the Mud Gard Supplement!"


Lucinda Thompson & Steve

"This is one of my horses, Steve, at Bicton Arena where he was plastered in red mud after cross country day (XC photo underneath so you can appreciate the mud!). However, with the help of NAF Show Off Shampoo and Silky Mane and Tail D-tangler he was sparkling for Sundays trot up!"


Liana Michelle Mason

"I use a number of NAF products, from supplements to grooming products, but I always make sure that I have NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler and NAF Off Deet Power Performance in my grooming kit. I also love NAF's Garlic Granules and the Mud Gard Supplement!"


Sonja and Bobo

My other NAF hero product is the Silky Mane and Tail Detangler, a must have for anyone who has a pony with a thick mane and tail as Bobo has, a spray every few days keeps his mane and tail tangle free!



Julie at Windmill Feeds with her horse Jack the Fell Pony Townend Pippin aka Jack. 12 yr old Fell Pony gelding. Jack arrived at the stud as a 6month old colt destined to be the new stallion at the stud. He was turned away to grow up. At 3 he was turned out with his first mares, with great success. By the time he was 7 he was brought in from the field as now his daughters had reach age. This is how he stayed untill he was 91/2 yrs old (keeping the cows company). The elderly owner finally decided to have him gelded. 3 months later he was finally turned out again. He failed to thrive and became ill. Back into the stable he went. Gradually he improved with the help of NAF immuforte and was turned out again. At this point the stud owner became too ill to keep the stud going and it was decided to disperse the stock. All that was left were Jack and his youngest daughter Justa. June 2015 Jack left the farm by tractor and cattle trailer to attend his first in-hand show. (He had not left the farm since he arrived at 6months old). In a well attended local show he came 2nd, and found his new owner. Ellice Johnson fell head over heals in love with him. She persuaded her parents to let her have him on loan to break him in (he was 11 yrs old) as a summer project. His charm won everyone over and Ellice became his official owner at Christmas 2015. So time to take him out to see the world. Heathfield show was the plan. So for 3 months leading upto the show he was fed NAF linseed oil, and show prep bathed in NAF wash and show dark coat shampoo. The polishing began. Silky mane and tail to tame his wild mane and tail, oil it well on his muzzle and eyes, paint it black on his hooves and the final touch of Razzle Dazzle them all over Townend Pippin was ready for the ring. As the light caught his coat he shone much like his personality. He was a total gentlemen and foot perfect. Placing a respectable 2nd in his class. Happy smiles all round. The next step is to get him shiny enough to visit HRH The Queen as 90 Fell ponies provide a guard of honour at Windsor Castle in celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday. Fingers crossed for Ellice and Jack.


Hayley Davies

We use quite a few NAF products, our favourite is the Silky. Silky is an essential product when going to competitions but it is also used at home to keep our horses manes and tails lovely and tangle free. Our horses live out and their tails get rather mucky, it keeps their tails thick and because it helps reduce tangles, it means less hair is pulled out when grooming. We highly recommend this product for all horse owners! I have attached a photo of my show horse Billy. Many thanks, Hayley


Lavender Wash Teatree and Mint Shampoo Plait it Up
Paint it Clear Paint it Black Warming Wash
Muck Off Shine On Cooling Wash
Brighter Than White Its so Silky Serum Show Off
Pimp My Pony Silky Mane & Tail D-Tangler Crib Stop
No Bite Sheath Cleanse Stable Hands
NAF Off Deet Power Performance NAF Off Deet Power Performance Gel NAF Off Extra Effect
NAF Off Extra Effect Gel NAF Off Citronella NAF Off Citronella Gel
NAF Off Citronella Wash NAF Off Citronella Tag NAF Off Citronella Wristband