Respirator Boost
Respirator Boost

The health of a horse's lungs plays an integral part in their athletic ability, and any respiratory challenge will impact on all areas of your horse's work and performance.

Respiratory stress can vary from outgoing signs such as coughing and evidence of mucous, to the less obvious where the horse is just performing below par.

We can see respiratory stress in horses occurring all year round and the sources can be many; from dust, moulds and spores to seasonal pollen and immune system challenges. Often regular travel, particularly over long distances, and the use of indoor schools can perpetuate the problem.

Respirator Boost

NAF delivers Extra Performance for clean wind, fast. NAF understands the challenges the modern day environment can have on the horse, and that if his respiratory system is compromised, he will not be able to deliver his best performance. To provide valuable nutritional support to the respiratory mucosal system NAF have developed Respirator Boost, naturally, for Five Star Performance.

NAF delivers Extra Performance alongside veterinary treatments by being formulated to meet Clean Sport requirements. It combines powerful antioxidants and essential oils to maintain clear airways and Echinacea for added immune support, key for the competition horse who's travelling regularly and in contact with unknown horses.

Your Story GastriAid

The health of a horse's lungs plays an integral part in their athletic ability, and any respiratory challenge will impact on all areas of your horse's work and performance.

Respiratory stress can vary from outgoing signs such as coughing and evidence of mucous, to the less obvious where the horse is just performing below par.

We can see respiratory stress in horses occurring all year round and the sources can be many; from dust, moulds and spores to seasonal pollen and immune system challenges. Often regular travel, particularly over long distances, and the use of indoor schools can perpetuate the problem.

Respirator Boost

NAF delivers Extra Performance for clean wind, fast. NAF understands the challenges the modern day environment can have on the horse, and that if his respiratory system is compromised, he will not be able to deliver his best performance. To provide valuable nutritional support to the respiratory mucosal system NAF have developed Respirator Boost, naturally, for Five Star Performance.

NAF delivers Extra Performance alongside veterinary treatments by being formulated to meet Clean Sport requirements. It combines powerful antioxidants and essential oils to maintain clear airways and Echinacea for added immune support, key for the competition horse who's travelling regularly and in contact with unknown horses.

Your Story Respirator Boost

Five Star Tips

• Always feed from the floor to encourage natural respiratory drainage

• Turn your horse out as much as possible

• Soak hay for 10-15 minutes to reduce dust, and feed while it's still wet

• Feed a targeted antioxidant supplement to support healthy lungs

• Consider rubber matting or paper bedding to reduce dust from shavings or straw

Five Star Tips

• Always feed from the floor to encourage natural respiratory drainage

• Turn your horse out as much as possible

• Soak hay for 10-15 minutes to reduce dust, and feed while it's still wet

• Feed a targeted antioxidant supplement to support healthy lungs

• Consider rubber matting or paper bedding to reduce dust from shavings or straw

Click on any Nutritionally Advanced Formula below to find out about improved performance

NAF Extra Performance NAF Extra Performance
Superflex Senior
Respirator Boost