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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
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Racing Joints

Don’t let poor joints stop them running

Lameness is the number one reason for lost days off work, and results in a break in training, a drop in fitness and potential disruption or prevention of reaching the season objective.

In recent years it has become increasingly popular to nutritionally support joint health in the racehorse, due to their racing life beginning early, it’s advised to start them on joint support at an early age to coincide with this.

Failure to protect the joints may result in injury, and data shows that having been injured increases the risk of a racehorse experiencing further injury and early retirement in the future. Published research shows that lost training days in two year olds is significantly higher than three year olds. So prevention is key, and it makes sense that targeted nutritional joint support should be fed throughout the career of racehorses to maintain soundness and minimise lost days.

Keep them running with a little help...


Feeding NAF RaceOn Sound Joints & Bones helps to provide optimal levels of essential active ingredients to support the growing and developing racehorse and enabling them to maximise their athletic capacity.

Helping to maintain –


1 - Leatherwood JL, Gehl KL, Coverdale JA, et al. (2016), Influence of oral glucosamine supplementation in young horses challenged with intra-articular lipopolysaccharide. J Anim Sci.;94(8):3294-3302.

2 - Forsyth, R.K., Bridgen, C.V. and Northrop, A.J. (2006), Double blind investigation of the effects of oral supplementation of combined glucosamine hydrochloride (GHCL) and chondroitin sulphate (CS) on stride characteristics of veteran horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 38: 622-625.

3 - Marañón, Gonzalo et al. “The effect of methyl sulphonyl methane supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress in sport horses following jumping exercise.” Acta veterinaria Scandinavica vol. 50,1 45. 7 Nov. 2008.

4 - Bergin BJ, Pierce SW, Bramlage LR, Stromberg A. Oral hyaluronan gel reduces postoperative tarsocrural effusion in the yearling Thoroughbred. Equine Vet J 2006;38(4) :375-378.

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